There are some places on this planet that are just special – Harbour Island in The Bahamas is most definitely becoming one of my favorites. Add the beauty of the island with an intimate group of family of friends from the UK who know how to party and you have one really lovely wedding.
I was blessed to be invited along with Angela and Mark as they tied the knot on Pink Sands Beach this week, and to be a part of their fantastic wedding put together by Ben with Little Island Design. They made this American a part of their British crew, and gave me a crash course in British words I literally had no idea even existed. Most of which I can’t even say here to keep it PG. Brekkie? Dodgy? Loo? Cheeky? Proper? Rat-Arsed? I found myself forcing them to talk so I could pick up even more and being around these fun cats.
One thing that stuck is the word “brilliant,” which the chaps from the UK say for anything good. I like that. Brilliant. Quality of light. There was plenty of that. Angela and Mark are beautiful, gracious, lovely, and yes, brilliant. Their friends and family were just as wonderful to be around, making this Yankee really want to stick around and become a temporary Brit.
I think that’s one of the more amazing things that has come from photographing weddings – the unexpected education of different traditions and cultures mixing to celebrate an event most cultures share: the wedding.